IRIX 6.2
IRIX 6.2 CD2.iso
Text File
529 lines
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3. _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s
3.1 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__f_o_r__I_n_d_i_g_o__M_a_g_i_c__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__6_._2
+o This will be the last release of the Desktop that will
support the old ftr(1) compiler. In the future
releases, only the new compiler, fftr(1) will be
supported. The ftr(1) compiler creates the old style
ccccttttrrrr format file typing databases (ex:
/usr/lib/filetype/workspace.ctr), used by the
filetype(1), routeprint(1) and fileconvert(1) tools. In
future releases these ( and any other tools ) will use
the new style oooottttrrrr format file typing databases (ex:
/usr/lib/filetype/desktop.otr), created by the fftr(1)
3.2 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__f_o_r__I_n_d_i_g_o__M_a_g_i_c__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__6_._1
+o Silicon Graphics is happy to announce that the "Desks
Overview" dispute has been successfully resolved. The
Desks Overview and 4Dwm no longer check for the Desks
+o We have n32, and 64-bit fileicon library support for
interested developers.
+o The confidence test will only display icons for devices
are configured or installed on the system.
+o The confidence test contains a product overview, test
descriptions and help on tests that fail.
3.3 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__f_o_r__I_n_d_i_g_o__M_a_g_i_c__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__5_._3
+o Significant performance improvements have been made to
the Indigo Magic Desktop.
+o The permissions tool now contains tabs to switch
between directories and files.
+o The tape tool now supports multiple drag and drop of
files and directories.
+o With the search tool, you can now search for printers
based on their physical locations.
+o The visual launch effect, a spark-like graphic that
precedes the appearance of a window, has been enhanced
in the desktop. It is turned on by default. To
disable this feature, unselect _L_a_u_n_c_h _E_f_f_e_c_t from the
Desktop customization panel.
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+o A new Color Scheme Browser has been added to the
desktop customization control panels. See Appendix A
for more information.
+o A new Collaboration page has been added to the icon
catalog. This would be the default location for
InPerson, MediaMail, and World Wide Web (WWW).
+o Icon catalog is now displayed by default on initial
+o The file manager supports the manipulation of files in
Helios format. EtherShare from Helios must be
installed in order for the file manager to handle
Macintosh files.
+o Some toolchest menus have been reorganized. In
particular, the Find toolchest has been altered: the
search tool's pages have been moved down into a
submenu, and the icon catalog's pages have been moved
up to the Find toolchest's menu.
+o When you rename an icon, the new name will now be
applied when you click anywhere in the same window--in
a directory view, on a shelf, or on the background--or
when you press Enter. Previously, pressing Enter was
the only way to apply the new name.
+o In directory views, the search tool, and the icon
catalog, pressing any View As toolbar button will cause
it to now stay depressed, showing its state.
+o Moving or copying a large number of files will now
trigger only a few audio responses, rather than one
sound per file. The search tool also produces fewer
audio cues while searching.
+o The desktop audio cues for various file operations,
including launch, have been updated. In addition,
there are new audio cues for opening a folder, removing
an icon to the dumpster, removing an icon permanently,
copying an icon, moving an icon into a new directory
view, and putting away an icon.
+o The Language customization panel _i_p_a_n_e_l now appears in
the icon catalog on the Control Panels page.
+o The remote directory tool now gives feedback when it
starts connecting to a remote host.
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+o The _4_D_w_m resource, _S_G__u_s_e_B_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d_s is by default set
to _F_a_l_s_e. Backgrounds are turned on in the _4_D_w_m
command line in the desktop _X_s_e_s_s_i_o_n._d_t file, otherwise
backgrounds are off by default and can be turned on by
setting the _4_D_w_m*_S_G__u_s_e_B_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d_s resource to True.
3.4 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__f_o_r__I_n_d_i_g_o__M_a_g_i_c__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__5_._2
+o Arbitrary backgrounds (such as twilight or bgpaste) can
now be used with icons on the background. However,
there is a performance penalty to using such
backgrounds as opposed to tiled backgrounds.
+o Most desktop applications that launch commands now have
a visual launch effect to indicate that the commands
have been launched. This launch effect will continue
until the first window is mapped. To disable this
feature, unselect _L_a_u_n_c_h _E_f_f_e_c_t from the Desktop
customization panel.
+o The _l_a_u_n_c_h dialog now has an Apply button, allowing the
command to be run multiple times, optionally changing
the arguments between runs.
+o Toolchest now has three new operators: _f._e_x_e_c._s_h,
_f._c_h_e_c_k_e_x_e_c._s_h, and _f._c_h_e_c_k_e_x_p_r._s_h. These behave
identically to the forms without the ._s_h, except that
they force the use of /_b_i_n/_s_h to launch the command.
Since /_b_i_n/_s_h is faster than some other shells, this
can result in a speed improvement. The system
toolchest has been modified to use this, and it is
recommended that user toolchests be modified as well.
+o When a new desk is created, its background is no longer
based on the current desk. Instead a granite
background is chosen, in various colors.
+o A browser/editor customization panel for color schemes
has been added. It may be run from the Desktop
toolchest under the Customization menu.
+o The Find toolchest has a new entry called Graphics
3.5 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__f_o_r__I_n_d_i_g_o__M_a_g_i_c__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__5_._1
+o The ._d_e_s_k_t_o_p directory has been renamed to ._d_e_s_k_t_o_p-
<_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e>. This allows logins from several machines
to share the same home directory without interfering
with one another.
- 4 -
+o Warnings are now given for personal ._x_s_e_s_s_i_o_n files and
._c_h_e_s_t_r_c files in addition to ._s_g_i_s_e_s_s_i_o_n files the
first time you log in. Old versions of these files can
prevent you from seeing some of the Indigo Magic
features. Warnings are given the first time you log
in, if you have copies of those files. The ._s_g_i_s_e_s_s_i_o_n
or ._c_h_e_s_t_r_c file will be renamed to ._s_g_i_s_e_s_s_i_o_n._b_a_k or
._c_h_e_s_t_r_c._b_a_k respectively.
+o The Indigo Magic Desktop can be disabled for your
account by creating a file ._d_i_s_a_b_l_e_D_e_s_k_t_o_p in your home
directory. It can be disabled for all accounts by
issuing the command cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg ddddeeeesssskkkkttttoooopppp ooooffffffff. These
methods supplement the existing ability to disable
background icons by making a ._d_e_s_k_t_o_p-<_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e>/
_n_o_d_e_s_k_t_o_p file.
+o Viewing hidden files can now be selected on a
directory-by-directory basis.
+o The size of icons in directory views is now
independently zoomable. The thumbwheel in the Desktop
customization panel now controls only the size of icons
on the background.
+o A desktop icon may be dropped onto any Motif widget to
enter its name. (It may not, however, be dropped onto
an xwsh or an xterm.)
+o The search tool now allows searching for printers.
Once a printer is found, you can install it by dragging
its icon onto the background or into the icon catalog.
+o The search tool and the icon catalog now contain tabs
to switch between pages.
+o Management of the background images is now done by the
4Dwm window manager. The _b_g_d_a_e_m_o_n process no longer
+o The Desktop customization panel now allows control over
whether files newly created in the home directory
should appear automatically on the background. Unset
_A_u_t_o-_D_i_s_p_l_a_y _N_e_w _H_o_m_e _D_i_r. _F_i_l_e_s to disable the
automatic appearance of new icons on the background.
+o Although applications' error output by default goes to
the console, it is possible to start up a separate
application to catch errors from all applications
launched on the desktop and put them in popup windows.
To do so, choose _D_i_s_p_l_a_y _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _E_r_r_o_r_s from the
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Desktop customization panel. See the manual page for
_o_u_t_p_u_t_d for more information on capturing command
output. Note that enabling capture of output does run
an additional process, which may not be optimal for
low-memory machines. However, running this process
does make it easier to detect application errors, and
thus it is recommended that it be enabled if the memory
is available.
+o When displaying a photo CD directory view, the file
manager uses the index on the CD to produce the
thumbnail images, resulting in improved performance.
+o The _r_c_p_D_e_v_i_c_e from the old transfer manager is now
available in the Desktop Tools page of the icon
+o Several new screen savers have been added. Using the
blank screen saver now uses video blanking instead of
the _x_l_o_c_k program, resulting in a faster refresh.
+o The color chips in the Background customization panel
are now chosen to minimize colormap flashing with the
graphics library (GL).
+o File Typing Rules (ftr's) are now compiled into
Optimized Type Rules (otr's) instead of Compiled Type
Rules (ctr's). The otr's are laid out for more
efficient access. For compatibility, ctr's are still
+o Multiple CDROMS, floppies, or tapes on a single system
are now supported.
3.6 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__s_i_n_c_e__4_S_i_g_h_t
This section summarizes some of the changes since 4Sight.
For more information, select On-line Books from the Help
menu of the toolchest, and look at the ``WorkSpace to Indigo
Magic Transition Guide''.
The toolchest has been extended since 4Sight, with the
following new features:
+o The toolchest contents have changed significantly to
work well with the Indigo Magic Desktop. Users
familiar with 4Sight who are not using the Indigo Magic
Desktop may prefer an old 4Sight-style toolchest. Such
users can copy the file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_X_1_1/_n_o_d_e_s_k_t_o_p._c_h_e_s_t_r_c
onto either their private ._c_h_e_s_t_r_c or onto the system
file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_X_1_1/_s_y_s_t_e_m._c_h_e_s_t_r_c. The latter will
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affect all users. Users who disable the desktop
completely through the use of a ._d_i_s_a_b_l_e_D_e_s_k_t_o_p file or
through cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg ddddeeeesssskkkkttttoooopppp ooooffffffff will automatically use
+o Users who already have a private ._c_h_e_s_t_r_c should be
aware that they will not see the changes to the
toolchest. The first time they log in after installing
the Indigo Magic Desktop it will get renamed to
._c_h_e_s_t_r_c._b_a_k to allow them to see the new toolchest.
They may rename it back if they wish, possibly editing
it to include the new toolchest contents. Alternately,
they may use the toolchest _i_n_c_l_u_d_e facility to include
a personal ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c. The latter has the advantage
that future changes to the _s_y_s_t_e_m._c_h_e_s_t_r_c will be
picked up automatically. Use of a ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c file is
discussed below.
+o The new toolchest includes a Desktop menu, which
provides access to many desktop functions; a Selected
menu, which provides access functions to icons on the
background; a Find menu, which allows finding many
system resources; a System menu for managing your
system; and a Help menu for accessing system help. If
the file manager is not running with icons on the
background, the Selected menu will be empty.
+o The toolchest now includes a window manager title bar
that includes the name of the current desk. Window
manager functions may be accessed from this title bar
via the right-mouse button.
+o The toolchest now has an _i_n_c_l_u_d_e facility that allows
including additional files. By default, the system
toolchest automatically includes the file ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c
in the user's home directory. It is recommended that
users wishing to customize their toolchest contents do
so by providing a ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c containing their changes,
rather than by using a ._c_h_e_s_t_r_c that replaces the
system toolchest. By using the ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c file, future
changes to the system toolchest will be reflected
automatically in the user's toolchest. See the
toolchest manual page for a sample ._a_u_x_c_h_e_s_t_r_c.
+o Toolchest has a new ****hhhhiiiiddddeeeeTTTTiiiittttlllleeee resource and ----hhhhiiiiddddeeeeTTTTiiiittttlllleeee
and ----sssshhhhoooowwwwTTTTiiiittttlllleeee options. These allow the user to hide
the title bar, similar to the default behavior in
4Sight. The default is to show a title bar with the
name of the current desk.
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+o The toolchest can be automatically switched between
vertical and horizontal orientation using the Windows
Settings customization panel.
+o The toolchest provides audio feedback when launching
the command, as does the rest of the Indigo Magic
+o Applications launched from the toolchest will be
started in the language loaded from the desktop
Language customization panel.
+o For release notes on the applications launched from the
toolchest, see the release notes for those
The Transfer Manager that existed in IRIX 4.0 no longer
exists in the Indigo Magic environment. The functions
served by the transfer manager can now be done directly
within the Indigo Magic environment:
+o To transfer files between machines, use the Remote
Directory entry in the Desktop menu of the toolchest to
open a directory view on the remote machine. Then drag
the icons of the files to be transferred between the
machines. This will only work if the remote machine
has the file manager installed. If it does not, then
if the Network File System (NFS) is installed and the
automounter is in use, a directory view can also be
obtained by prefixing the pathname with
+o An _r_p_c_D_e_v_i_c_e script is also available in the icon
catalog. This script is similar to the one that was
used by the transfer manager to transfer files. From
the Find toolchest, select Desktop Tools, then look for
the _r_p_c_D_e_v_i_c_e icon (which may be dragged onto your
desktop, or used in place). This icon may be double-
clicked, it may have icons dropped on it, or, when
selected, files may be transferred using the Selected
or the right-mouse-button pulldown menu.
+o To transfer files to and from a local tape, double-
click on the tape icon. If the tape is remote, the
icon can be found in the Find toolchest, under the
Search For menu, by selecting Tape Drives. The tape
tool can also be invoked directly through the _t_a_p_e_t_o_o_l
The File Manager replaces WorkSpace, which existed in
previous releases. The file manager contains the following
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additional features:
+o Support for icons for devices, hosts, and people, in
addition to files.
+o The Indigo Magic Desktop has been written using Motif
and is internationalized.
+o For image files, including Photo CDs, a View As Gallery
mode allows viewing the icons as images.
+o Icons can be placed on the background.
+o The Indigo Magic Desktop does still support the same
file typing rules that were used in WorkSpace. There
is a new compiler for these rules, called _f_f_t_r, which
creates an .otr (optimized type rule) file instead of a
.ctr (compiled type rule) file. The .ctr files are
still created for compatibility.
+o A log is kept of all file system transactions. This
log may assist you in determining where a file has gone
if you accidentally move a file to someplace
unintentional. See the section on configuration files
in Chapter 2 for more details.
All other Indigo Magic Desktop capabilities are new; no
counterpart existed in previous releases. These features
+o Session management.
+o Desks.
+o The icon catalog.
+o The search tool.
+o Customization panels.
+o Background management.